What are the standard features of the Bakers Pride Y-802 Pizza Deck Oven?

What are the standard features of the Bakers Pride Y-802 Pizza Deck Oven?

The Bakers Pride Y-802 pizza deck oven features two independently controlled baking chambers, each with a Cordierite deck and an 8″ deck height. Its exterior is all stainless steel and it has a 120,000 BTUH total output. For more details visit Bakers Pride.

Bakers Pride Y-802 Super Deck Series Pizza Deck Oven

Bakers Pride Y-802 Super Deck Series Pizza Deck Oven

How much space is required to install a Bakers Pride Y-802 Pizza Deck Oven?

Installation space for the Bakers Pride Y-802 should consider enough room for proper ventilation, gas connections, and door opening. Exact clearance requirements are specified in the product manual. For more details visit Bakers Pride.

Can the Bakers Pride Y-802 be used for items other than pizza?

Yes, the Bakers Pride Y-802 is versatile and can be used to bake bread, pretzels, and other baked goods, although it is specifically designed for optimal pizza baking. For more details visit WebstaurantStore.

What are the dimensions of the Bakers Pride Y-802 Pizza Deck Oven?

The Bakers Pride Y-802 measures 66 inches in width, 43 inches in depth, and 66 inches in height. Each baking chamber measures approximately 60 inches wide by 36 inches deep. For more details visit KaTom Restaurant Supply.

Overview – Bakers Pride Y-Series Deck Pizza Oven with Chef Frank

Does the Bakers Pride Y-802 Pizza Deck Oven come with a warranty?

Yes, Bakers Pride typically offers a warranty for their ovens, including the Y-802 model, which usually includes parts and labor coverage. Specific terms should be confirmed with the manufacturer or distributor. For more details visit Bakers Pride.

What type of fuel is used for the Bakers Pride Y-802?

The Bakers Pride Y-802 pizza deck oven can be fueled by natural gas or liquid propane, depending on the model and user preferences. For more details visit Bakers Pride.

How can I purchase a Bakers Pride Y-802 Pizza Deck Oven?

The Bakers Pride Y-802 can be purchased through restaurant supply stores, directly from Bakers Pride, or through various online commercial kitchen equipment retailers. For more details visit WebstaurantStore.

Can the temperature of each deck in the Bakers Pride Y-802 be controlled separately?

Yes, each deck in the Bakers Pride Y-802 has an independently controlled top and bottom heat dampers and a temperature range of 300°F to 650°F. For more details visit Central Restaurant Products.

What is the maximum pizza size that can be baked in the Bakers Pride Y-802?

The Bakers Pride Y-802 has a large deck size that can accommodate pizzas up to 60 inches wide, allowing for several pizzas to be baked simultaneously depending on their diameter. For more details visit Bakers Pride.

Is there a recommended cleaning procedure for the Bakers Pride Y-802 Pizza Deck Oven?

The manufacturer recommends regularly brushing the hearth stones and avoiding the use of water on hot surfaces. A detailed cleaning procedure is outlined in the user manual. For more details visit Parts Town.