What product does the UPC code 810064691393 belong to?

What product does the UPC code 810064691393 belong to?

The UPC code 810064691393 belongs to Soylent Meal Replacement Shake, Cacao, 14 oz Bottles, 12 Pack.

For more details visit Walmart.

Is the Soylent Meal Replacement Shake gluten-free?

Yes, Soylent Meal Replacement Shake in Cacao flavor is gluten-free.

For more details visit Soylent.

What is the calorie count per serving for Soylent Meal Replacement Shake with UPC 810064691393?

Each 14 oz bottle of Soylent Meal Replacement Shake, Cacao flavor, contains 400 calories.

For more details visit Amazon.

Can I purchase Soylent Meal Replacement Shake, UPC 810064691393, in bulk?

Yes, you can purchase Soylent Meal Replacement Shakes in bulk online from retailers like Amazon or directly from the Soylent website.

For more details visit Soylent.

Does Soylent Meal Replacement Shake with UPC 810064691393 contain caffeine?

Yes, the Cacao flavor of Soylent Meal Replacement Shake contains caffeine derived naturally from the cocoa.

For more details visit Soylent.

Is Soylent Meal Replacement Shake with UPC code 810064691393 suitable for vegans?

Yes, Soylent Meal Replacement Shakes are vegan-friendly, including the Cacao flavor associated with UPC 810064691393.

For more details visit Soylent.

Where can I find nutritional information for Soylent Meal Replacement Shake UPC 810064691393?

Nutritional information for Soylent Meal Replacement Shake, Cacao flavor, can be found on Soylent’s official website or on the product’s packaging.

For more details visit Soylent.

What is the shelf life of Soylent Meal Replacement Shake with UPC 810064691393?

Soylent Meal Replacement Shakes typically have a shelf life of one year from the production date when stored properly.

For more details visit Soylent.

Can I subscribe for regular deliveries of Soylent UPC 810064691393?

Yes, Soylent offers a subscription service that allows you to schedule regular deliveries of their Soylent Meal Replacement Shakes directly to your home.

For more details visit Soylent.

Are there any allergens in Soylent Meal Replacement Shake with UPC 810064691393?

Soylent Meal Replacement Shakes, including the Cacao flavor with UPC 810064691393, contain soy. Individuals with allergies to soy should avoid this product.

For more details visit Soylent.

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